Posts tagged Pak Ou Caves
Discovering the Spirit of Laos

I visited Laos in 2018, and I would like to bring out the memories as they are, letting them flow like a river, a waterfall. Like the water that has so much marked this experience.

I remember that while reading 'Lonely Planet - Laos' in preparation for departure, what struck me most was a statement about a characteristic of the Laotians, the 'móoan', translated into 'fun'. Theravada Buddhism, practiced by most people in Laos, emphasizes detachment from human passions, and karma - more than devotion, prayer or hard work - determines one's fate in life. Following this principle, Laotian people tend not to worry too much about the future and to feel sorry for those who "think too much". Avoiding any excessive psychological stress remains a cultural norm. Unless an activity contains an element of "móoan", or ‘fun’, it will probably lead to stress.

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